Principal Component Analysis in Finance

The Principal Component Analysis or PCA is a statistical technique for reducing the dimension of a large dataset.  It does it by transforming the dataset into a new set of variables, the principal components, which are uncorrelated, linear combinations of the initial variables and represent the most important part of the variability of the data. […]

Artificial Neural Network for Option Pricing with Python Code

The valuation and the risk management of options can be quickly complex. It depends on the option’s feature and the pricing model. There is often no closed-form solution for the pricing of the derivatives and it involves multiple dimensions. There is a vaste litterature on numerical methods such as binomial / trinomial tree, finite difference, […]

Principal Component Analysis – An Introduction

What is it? How does it work? Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a statistical method for reducing the dimension of a dataset. It is a popular method for analysing a large dataset, increasing the interpretability of the data without losing much information. It does that by maximizing the percentage of total variance explained with new […]