Barcelona, Spain

Marinka May

Designer Teacher

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Explore Cutting-Edge Learning in Quantitative Finance

Volatility & Derivatives
Options, Pricing and Risk Management (Part 1)

In this course, you will have an introduction to derivatives, option pricing and risk management.

Week 1: Introduction to Derivatives Instrument

Week 2: Introduction to Arbitrage Free Pricing

Week 3: The Black-Scholes Model

Week 4: Option Greeks and Risk Management

Approximatively 8 hours to complete.

What is Quant Next

Powered by Raphaël DANDO and his worldwide experience in quantitative finance, Quant Next brings you various training courses to learn or to improve your quantitative skills.

Our courses are intended for quants, data scientists, risk managers, portfolio managers, traders in the financial industry.


20 years spent working as a quant expert in investment banks in Paris, London, Hong Kong and New York with recognised expertise in derivatives, fixed income and quantitative strategies. Guest lecturer in universities in Paris.


Graduated from ENSAE Paris, known as the specialization school of Ecole Polytechnique for statistics, data science and machine learning. Graduated from Master's in Statistics, Probabilities and Finance at Paris Diderot University with high honors. Graduated in Actuary.

For who ?

Quants, data scientists, risk managers, portfolio managers, traders in banks, asset management, hedge funds, pension funds or insurances

Students and professionals

What is Quant Next

Equitis Romani autem esse filium criminis loco poni ab accusatoribus neque his iudicantibus oportuit neque defendentibus nobis. Nam quod de pietate dixistis, est quidem ista nostra existimatio, sed iudicium certe parentis; quid nos opinemur, audietis ex iuratis; quid parentes sentiant, lacrimae matris incredibilisque maeror, squalor patris et haec praesens maestitia, quam cernitis, luctusque declarat.

Vide, quantum, inquam, fallare, Torquate. oratio me istius philosophi non offendit; nam et complectitur verbis, quod vult, et dicit plane, quod intellegam; et tamen ego a philosopho, si afferat eloquentiam, non asperner, si non habeat, non admodum flagitem. re mihi non aeque satisfacit, et quidem locis pluribus. sed quot homines, tot sententiae; falli igitur possumus

Advanced Logo Design

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Brand Identity & Design

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, contetur adicing elit. Ut elit tellus.

Financial Planner

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, contetur adicing elit. Ut elit tellus.

Marketing Analytics

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Choose your learning path

Either follow all the courses of a specialization or pick and choose courses across specializations

Video content

Watch videos and learn with a self-paced approach from market practitioners

Interactive courses

Quiz and projects are made for you to practice and assimilate the content


Benjamin H.
"Raphaël has a unique knowledge of credit derivatives and their applications for quantitative asset managers. His experience in modelling complex instruments is matched only by his genuine desire to make it simple for others to understand."
Rob H.
"I had the pleasure working with Raphael when he came to Sydney. He is a true quant derivatives expert, always happy to share his knowledge with others. On top of that he is a very nice, open and approachable person.”
Sandrine U.
“I had the honour to work with Raphaël for 8 years, doing quantitative research. Raphaël is a fantastic teacher, with an in-depth knowledge of financial markets, and a capacity to make sound easy concepts that are incredibly difficult.”
Doug L.
“I had the pleasure of working with Raphael in New York, in credit portfolio management. Raphael is a highly skilled quant, with the ability to make things understandable and applicable.”
Maxence D.
“Raphaël is passionate with Finance and sharing knowledge. Its strong experience, both theoretical and practical is the perfect mix to understand fundamentals and how they are used in practice. The key for future successes.”
Delphine Q.
“I have enjoyed working with Raphaël in Hong Kong for several years. During our time, he took the part in impressing clients with maths in his publications and we wrapped them into investable quantitative strategies. That sentence is easily written but rare in the reality. The maths part needs to be solid yet intuitive enough to gasp. Calibration and implementation are also well considered to bring models out of the theoretical world. It was truly good time spent together.”
Arthur M.
“I had an opportunity to work with Raphaël during his internship in NY on a model that linked the dynamics of credit spreads to evolution of credit risk. He is very intelligent, has strong quantitative skills, intellectually curious and loves to work on challenging problems. Raphaël was thoughtful, polite and professional towards everyone in his day-to-day work - it was a pleasure to work with him.”
François P.
"Raphael is an excellent teacher and a true expert in quantitative finance, particularly in the area of fixed income strategies. He has a wealth of experience and knowledge in this field and is able to convey complex concepts in a clear and understandable manner. His enthusiasm for the subject matter is contagious and makes learning a truly enjoyable experience. I highly recommend Raphael as a teacher and colleague, and I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with him."
Alex A.
“Raphaël can be qualified as a highly professional expert, with strong quantitative skills and proven track record in the financial industry. I have personally witnessed his successful contribution to the development of a new business in the fixed income systematic strategies space”
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Experienced teachers

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Sam Mikhail

Designer Teacher

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Marinka May

Marketing Teacher

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Thomas Cook

Logo Designer

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